Ghostlight Theatre Ensemble

Roberts and his fellow Ghost-light founders Meggin Weaver and Karla Schultz first met at the now defunct Orlando Broadway Dinner Theater in the summer of 2004. Roberts and Weaver, 28, had both recently moved to Orlando. The pair would soon meet Schultz, 26, a University of Central Florida graduate, when the dinner theater staged How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying. Ironically, the company went out of business shortly thereafter. "We sort of saw the writing on the wall," Roberts says. "We were all at a meeting, almost a cast debriefing, and somebody said, `Why don't we just do it ourselves?' " Weaver recalls. "And Brandon, Karla and I said, `Yeah, why don't we?'" With Schultz and Weaver, "all of a sudden we were brainstorming about shows to produce and looking for theater spaces here in town. Suddenly it was a reality," Roberts says. The ensemble had an early success when its first production, a Valentine's Day-themed cabaret, "did pretty well. I think if that show hadn't done well we would have been much more hesitant to continue," Roberts says. "But with a little bit of chump change in the bank, we were like `Hey, uh, maybe we can keep doing this.' "
Musical Director / keyboard September 2005 |
Love Crossing
Asst. Musical Director / keyboard February 2005 |