<Previous Season 2017-2018
SAK Comedy Lab
ARTLANDO Spooktackular Florida Theatre Conference Arts in Odd Places Orlando: 2017 Jingle Eve A Night of Devotion (SCA) IMPROV: Students Past & Present (SCA) A Night of Pantomime & Melodrama (SCA) MVSICA IV (SCA) Little Red and the Hoods (SCA) Free To Be You And Me (SCA) |
A Night of Spirit (SCA)
Florida Presbyterian Pilgrimage Audubon Park's 7th Annual Kidsfest The Orlando Fringe International Fringe Theatre Festival (OIFTF) Kids Fringe present by Orlando Fringe (OIFTF) 6th Annual Cardboard Art Festival (TDC) A Night of Disney (SCA) Student Directed Scenes (SCA) Performing Arts Camp (HPD) A Night of Liberty (SCA) Performing Arts Camp (HPD) A Night for Sounds of Summer (SCA) Performing Arts Camp (HPD) |
Season Breakdown (most recent first) - please click title to see show page
Insert FRINGE Banner HERE
![]() May 00 - 00, 2017, Loch Haven Park
A 14-day arts festival that is founded on the concept of being:
![]() May 00-00 & 00-00, 10 am to 2 pm
The Menello Museum of American Art If you’ve been to Kids Fringe at the Orlando Fringe Festival, you know it’s something special. Kid-friendly performances by Fringe artists and local arts organizations, as well as workshops and hands-on art experiences, give kids an interactive way to engage with the arts. Keep your eyes peeled and you might catch a glimpse of Fringezilla! |
Insert Logo Here
Orlando Fringe
812 E. Rollins Street, Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32803 The Orlando Fringe is the longest running Fringe Festival in the United States, celebrating 25 years as “Orlando’s most unique cultural experience”. Orlando Fringe is a proud member of the United States Association of Fringe Festivals (USAFF), the Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals (CAFF), and The World Fringe Congress. What is The Fringe Mission? The mission of the Orlando Fringe is to provide an accessible, affordable outlet that draws diverse elements of the community together and inspires creative excellence through the arts. |
![]() St Cloud Arts & T.E.A.M. Theatre presents
"" Book by Music by Lyrics by Directed by Timothy D. Turner |
St Cloud Arts website
May 6 - 7, 2016 at 6:30 pm $5 General Admission ($25 for families) Cornerstone Family Church 909 10th Street, St Cloud, Florida |
Established in 2008, the Audubon Park Garden District is a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and an accredited Main Street program. Created by the National Trust for Historic Preservation over thirty years ago, Main Street is a national movement to help cities, towns, and villages revitalize their neighborhood business districts.
Florida Presbyterian Pilgrimage
Silver Springs, FL April 00-00, 2017 Pilgrimage is a spiritual renewal movement with the goal of renewing and invigorating the faith of participants, inspiring and equipping them to reform their environments after the Kingdom of God. Pilgrimage expresses the love of Christ through a weekend of uplifting music, laughter, learning and worship. It is a lay-led spiritual retreat that that expresses and celebrates Christ’s love for you. Presbyterian Pilgrimage is for Christians who are tired of being the “frozen chosen” and want to fire up their faith and deepen their relationship with their Lord. It is not a conversion experience. It helps committed Christians better understand the Father’s love for them and His will for their lives (1 John 3:1). |
![]() A Night of Love
An Evening Cabaret Series with a celebration of songs and stories of love and relationships for you from our Conservatory and Mentor Artists presented in our Ghostlight Theatre Series |
St Cloud Arts website
Monday, February 00 & 00, 2017 @ 7 pm $5 General Admission, $25 Family Admission |
![]() St Cloud Arts & TEAM Co-op presents
"" by Directed by Timothy D. Turner |
St Cloud Arts website
December 00, 2016 at 7:00 pm December 00, 2016 at 4:00 pm $5 General Admission ($25 for families) |
![]() |
St Cloud Arts website
Saturday, October 00 & 00, 2017 @ 7 pm $5 General Admission, $25 Family Admission |
Ivanhoe Village's Jungle Eve
November 00, 2016 website 6 pm Holiday Sign Lighting 6:30 pm Christmas Tree Lighting 6-11 pm Wine Stroll, tickets are $20 6-11 pm Beer Garden, fundraiser! 6-11 pm Food Trucks, 15 trucks! Maestro Timothy is Producer for the Orlando Fringe "Kids Fringe".
777 E. Princeton Street Orlando, Florida 32803 Phone: 407.514.2000 Admission is FREE to Science Center members. Member guest passes will be accepted. |
presented by the
Art in Odd Places Orlando
September 17-20, 2015 Magnolia Avenue between Anderson and Washington Streets website Public Visual and Performance Art Festival Maestro Timothy is the Producer for Art in Odd Places (AiOP) Orlando. |
Poster Here |
Poster Here |
Insert 2016 Banner Here
ARTLANDO A Celebration of Orlando's Arts & Culture!
FREE EVENT website Saturday, September 00, 11 am - 11 pm - Loch Haven Park presents
Kids Fringe will be present with a variety of creative art projects to stimulate the minds of future artists attending the festival.
11 am - 5 pm Maestro Timothy is Producer for the Orlando Fringe "Kids Fringe". |
The Maestro performs regularly with these SAK shows throughout the season.
![]() "Keith Johnston's Gorilla Theatre"
This show features four of our professional improvisers directing each other in improvised scenes, games and songs to fit their chosen theme for the evening. The audience plays along by rewarding the best directed scenes. ![]() "Duel of Fools"
This is SAK's signature improv show. Two teams of professional improvisers compete for your laughs with audience judges selected at the start of the show. The actors make up songs, scenes and characters in front of your eyes with the help of the audience's suggestions & participation. ![]() "King of the Hill"
In this knockdown, drag-out comedy battle, seven of our professional ensemble members compete in a series of improv scenes and games to win your laughter, your applause and the coveted spot atop the hill. After each round, you vote on who stays and who goes, and in the end there can only be one King of the hill! |
SAK Comedy Lab website
29 S. Orange Ave on the 2nd floor of the City Arts Factory at the intersection of Orange Ave. and Pine St. General Admission: $17.00 USD, Florida Residents: $14.00 USD |
![]() "Thursday Throwdown"
A FOUR PERSON COMEDY IMPROV SHOW The Thursday Night Throw Down is an all-new improv competition performed by the SAK professionals. Each player will take turns being challenged by the other three to lead an improvised challenge. It could be a song, a scene or some use of the audience, but whatever it is, it's gotta impress the audience judges. This show is 75 minutes with an intermission and is rated for all ages! |
SAK Comedy Lab website
General Admission: $14.00 USD Florida Residents: $12.00 USD Students/Hospitality/Military: $10.00 USD |
This is SAK's signature improv show, themed for the holidays. Two teams of professional improvisers compete for your laughs with audience judges selected at the start of the show. The actors make up songs, scenes and characters right in front of your eyes with the help of the audience's suggestions and participation.
General Admission: $15.00 USD Florida Residents: $12.00 USD |
Are you ready for SAK's student comedy battle?! 16 SAK University graduates have undergone additional training, have paired up into comedy duos, and will compete against each other with you the audience as judge. Each week will feature four teams competing. After eight weeks, only one team will be crowned Rookie Rumble Champions! General Admission: $5.00 USD |
12 TEAMS. 12 WEEKS. 1 WINNER.This seasonal show pits 12 themed teams of improvisers against each other in a 12 week competition (2 teams per show). Winners of each round progress to the next round. In the end, one team will be crowned Brawl champions. Past teams have included a chain gang (literally chained together), a duo of two stereotypical moms, and a boy band. Don't miss the madness.
General Admission: $10.00 USD Florida Residents: $8.00 USD |