Improv Fest hits the 'Twilight Zone' at FST
By Jay Handelman, Herald-Tribune
Sunday, May 8, 2016
By Jay Handelman, Herald-Tribune
Sunday, May 8, 2016
This year’s eighth annual Sarasota Improv Festival will take audiences into another dimension, “not only of sight and sound but of mind,” with the headlining performances of Impro Theatre of Los Angeles.
The 28-year-old company has become known for its improvised full-length plays done in various styles, from Shakespeare to Chekhov to the musicals of Stephen Sondheim.
In its Sarasota debut, the group will present its improvised “Twilight Zone,” offering spontaneous twists on the classic Rod Serling series in two performances during the weekend festival July 14-16.
Will Luera, in his second year as director of improvisation for Florida Studio Theatre, which produces the festival, said he didn’t “want to jump into the deep end with something like improvised Chekhov” for the group’s first performance. “I thought the ‘Twilight Zone’ was something that our audience would enjoy.”
Impro Theatre is one of three new companies featured over the three days, joining 15 returning favorites from Florida and across the country.
The 28-year-old company has become known for its improvised full-length plays done in various styles, from Shakespeare to Chekhov to the musicals of Stephen Sondheim.
In its Sarasota debut, the group will present its improvised “Twilight Zone,” offering spontaneous twists on the classic Rod Serling series in two performances during the weekend festival July 14-16.
Will Luera, in his second year as director of improvisation for Florida Studio Theatre, which produces the festival, said he didn’t “want to jump into the deep end with something like improvised Chekhov” for the group’s first performance. “I thought the ‘Twilight Zone’ was something that our audience would enjoy.”
Impro Theatre is one of three new companies featured over the three days, joining 15 returning favorites from Florida and across the country.

Impro Theatre was launched in 1988 as Los Angeles Theatresport, which became known for short-form improv games and shows. Over time, it grew into more of an improvisational theater company. The Los Angeles Times has described the group as “amazing” and said, “The troupe spins an entire play into comedy gold right before your eyes.”
Luera said he hoped to bring back the creative ImproMadrid, which combined improv performances with an artist guiding their path ((what does this mean?)), but a current tour made logistics nearly impossible. Instead, he will present the U.S. debut of Speechless, a group with members from Bogota, Colombia and Winnipeg, Canada.
“Like the name suggests, it’s unspoken improvisation. There are no words,” Luera said. The group includes a DJ from Canada. “She is spinning records live and the records are providing a soundtrack and inspiring the actors.”
Another new entry this year is the quartet of performers who make up Parallelogramophonograph, more commonly known as PGraph from Austin, Texas.
“They’re one of the best narrative improv groups in the country,” Luera said. The performers tell one connected story for the entire set.
Austin is also home to one of the most popular troupes at each festival, Available Cupholders, which will be back along with such other favorites as Dad’s Garage from Atlanta, North Coast Improv from New York, Improv Boston, the musical group Stacked from Chicago, SAK Comedy Lab from Orlando, Big Bang from Boston and Hawk and Wayne from St. Petersburg.
Luera said he hoped to bring back the creative ImproMadrid, which combined improv performances with an artist guiding their path ((what does this mean?)), but a current tour made logistics nearly impossible. Instead, he will present the U.S. debut of Speechless, a group with members from Bogota, Colombia and Winnipeg, Canada.
“Like the name suggests, it’s unspoken improvisation. There are no words,” Luera said. The group includes a DJ from Canada. “She is spinning records live and the records are providing a soundtrack and inspiring the actors.”
Another new entry this year is the quartet of performers who make up Parallelogramophonograph, more commonly known as PGraph from Austin, Texas.
“They’re one of the best narrative improv groups in the country,” Luera said. The performers tell one connected story for the entire set.
Austin is also home to one of the most popular troupes at each festival, Available Cupholders, which will be back along with such other favorites as Dad’s Garage from Atlanta, North Coast Improv from New York, Improv Boston, the musical group Stacked from Chicago, SAK Comedy Lab from Orlando, Big Bang from Boston and Hawk and Wayne from St. Petersburg.

Once again, organizers have scheduled a Thursday night preview filled with Florida-based acts, including Just the Funny, Villain Improv and Sick Puppies Comedy from Miami and Dear Aunt Gertrude, The Third Thought and Post Dinner Conversation from Tampa.
As the host troupe, FST Improv is once again the official opening act on Friday, leading into two nights of performances, with most of the visiting companies performing two shows each.
“It is possible to see most, but not all, of the troupes” if you plan your schedule correctly, Luera said.
Troupe members also will be offering a series of workshops about different aspects of improv performance that have been popular with patrons and some of the visiting artists.
Sarasota Improv Festival
Runs July 14-16, Florida Studio Theatre, 1241 N. Palm Ave., Sarasota. For ticket information: 941-366-9000;
As the host troupe, FST Improv is once again the official opening act on Friday, leading into two nights of performances, with most of the visiting companies performing two shows each.
“It is possible to see most, but not all, of the troupes” if you plan your schedule correctly, Luera said.
Troupe members also will be offering a series of workshops about different aspects of improv performance that have been popular with patrons and some of the visiting artists.
Sarasota Improv Festival
Runs July 14-16, Florida Studio Theatre, 1241 N. Palm Ave., Sarasota. For ticket information: 941-366-9000;
Copyright © 2016, Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Jay Handelman is the theater and television critic for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, where he has worked since 1984. He also is President of the Foundation of the American Theatre Critics Association and a two-time past chairman of the association's executive committee. He can be reached by email or call (941) 361-4931. Follow him at @jayhandelman on Twitter. Make sure to "Like" Arts Sarasota on Facebook for news and reviews of the arts.
Jay Handelman is the theater and television critic for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, where he has worked since 1984. He also is President of the Foundation of the American Theatre Critics Association and a two-time past chairman of the association's executive committee. He can be reached by email or call (941) 361-4931. Follow him at @jayhandelman on Twitter. Make sure to "Like" Arts Sarasota on Facebook for news and reviews of the arts.